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Cleaner air from reduced emissions could save millions of lives

"Tackling climate change by cutting greenhouse gas emissions could save millions of lives because of the cleaner air that would result, according to a recent study."

Category: Climate Change


Barack Obama's $1.8bn vision of greener biofuel

"• President takes on the powerful farming lobby • Switch from food crops to fight climate change"


China ready for post-Kyoto deal on climate change

"Dramatic reversal in US position under Obama has brought Beijing to the table on emission cuts, says UK climate secretary"

Category: Climate Change


Why global warming could make or break south-east Asia

"South-east Asia has the most to lose from global warming but could gain much by developing a low-carbon future"

Category: Climate Change


Climate countdown: Half a trillion tonnes of carbon left to burn

"To avoid dangerous climate change of 2C, the world can only burn another half a trillion tonnes of carbon, climate change experts warn..." "...Myles Allen, a climate expert at Oxford University who led the new study, said:...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 471 to 475 out of 1185